The Adventures of Lina and Miles
==Sorry for delay. A lot going on and a bit of a block when it came to moving this forward. I think I got it now. Smile==

Miles had to agree with Lina's assessment on the skill of the fighter's, particularly the victor wielding the axe. She also voiced how he felt in anticipation of getting their own axe and how it handled. It was honestly something Miles planned on training with extensively. Of course, blacksmithing would present the opportunity to create more and train with them as well.

And as Star Fleet Officers, with the proper clearance, Miles would be able to bring those with him. Encompassing something decorative for his Quarters, a fighting implement if absolutely necessary, but, most importantly, a further reminder of his and Lina's bond.

"I am definitely looking forward to practicing alongside you," he said, giving another wink as their pod moved to the next destination, Miles quivering with anticipation of what could follow the previous demonstrations.


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 09-30-2023, 01:49 AM

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