The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles smiled when Lina mentioned that he had made a good choice of beverage. She was always able to do that. Make Miles smile at everything she did. He couldn't help himself. Not that he wanted to.

When she mentioned their stay in Whitby and brewing their own mead that they could purchase (which he knew they would), it was yet another thing that piqued his curiosity while feeding off of her excitement.

"I'm definitely looking forward to that," he said. "Though we may have to get a bigger house with all of these things you're showing me that would make amazing hobbies and creatives for you and I to do together." He winked, letting her know he was only half joking. He knew they wouldn't have all the time in the world for all of these different activities and hobbies, so settling for a few, such as the blacksmithing, was more than enough for him.


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 10-09-2023, 06:47 AM

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