The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles didn't miss the subtle shift to serious from Lina, and he responded in kind, knowing there was a time and place for jokes. He listened to her as she spoke of the house they were currently staying becoming hers one day. It had plenty of space for whatever they so wished to pursue as creative hobbies and endeavors.

The thought of them moving there together was definitely one Miles could fully support. Being assigned to the Fleet technically meant anywhere was home. And with the transporter technology, Lina didn't have to stay in San Francisco to continue her career as Academy Instructor. He took her hand in his as he replied.

"I think settling into your family's home would be a great idea, when the time came," he said. "I am definitely looking forward to sharing our future together." He paused, as he knew now was a good a time as any to broach the subject.

"Speaking of sharing our future together, I believe we are at a point that, if it's something you still consent to, I would like to procure a Canar to fully bond with you." He paused as he let the information sink in. "I know I defer most of my culture and tradition to my Human side, but this is one tradition of the Haliian that I am grateful beyond words to have found someone to proceed with."

==Tags Smile==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 10-14-2023, 02:04 AM

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