The Adventures of Lina and Miles
== Oops ;-) ==

Lina smiled when Miles accepted her offer to try a piece of the battered fish, before her boyfriend repaid her by letting her sample some of the salmon. " Mmm that's good too" she replied, thinking that she would order that next time they got to visit this particular pub. That thought led into the conversation that continued as they enjoyed their respective meals, only pausing to take a drink as talk turned to history, a subject that Lina loved, especially when it involved her home town.

It was also a topic that she never tired of and capturing Miles' interest was always a bonus in Lina's eyes, no matter what the subject involved. After finishing her last bite and draining the remaining liquid out of her glass, Lina sat back satisfied and full, before broaching the mention of dessert.

" They have some delicious desserts here, but I want to save myself for the chocolate museum" she remarked, loving sweets just as much as savoury foods. Although there was still one surprise that she was keeping to herself, at least for now until they had finished at their next destination.

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 10-23-2023, 12:01 PM

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