The Adventures of Lina and Miles
==Well. This was definitely missed longer than I would have liked.==

The rest of their trip through the town continued swimmingly, as they were able to hit all the spots they truly wanted to get done on this particular day, the biggest final point being the chocolate museum.

The museum itself offered a lot, and it took a lot of self control, hammered in by his raising and time in Star Fleet, not to go wild when it came to all the options they were offered at the emporium. He still thoroughly enjoyed himself, and that was made doubly so with Lina by his side.

Their day would eventually come to an end, as they finished any last minute shopping, whether for souvenirs or food-stuffs to take back. Before they knew it, they were exiting the transporter near the Whittaker family home. Miles sighed contentedly as they approached the house, his free arm locked with Lina's.

"What a day," he said, as they reached the doorway. "Thank you so much for this."


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 11-26-2023, 07:28 AM

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