The Adventures of Lina and Miles
== It's all good and worth the wait :-) ==

Not only had Amelina thoroughly enjoyed her trip into the city with Miles, but she had also taken advantage of their last-minute shopping. While some of the couple's larger purchases would be delivered to the Whittaker family home, the brunette still held onto a couple of the smaller bags as she walked arm in arm with her boyfriend, after exiting the transporter station. The whole day had been a lot of fun, and Lina was looking forward to spending a relaxing evening, going through the items that they had bought and specifically trying some of the food.

" You're most welcome, my love, as I've had a lot of fun, and I'm glad that you enjoyed your first trip to York", Lina replied as they reached the doorway. Letting go of Miles temporarily, Lina then proceeded to open the door, and smiled as she caught the scent of her father's favourite aftershave.

" I don't think we're alone any more, as I've got a feeling that Dad's in the house somewhere".

She knew that it was only a matter of time before Miles met her Dad, and had even warned him that Charles would be at the house at some point during the visit, so she hoped that this first meeting wouldn't tarnish what had been a good day.

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 11-26-2023, 12:06 PM

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