The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Once upon a time, there had been a slight distance between Lina and her Dad, caused by the sudden loss of her mother and being at war with the guilt and other emotions that came with grief. Thankfully for Lina and now for Miles' sake, that distance had been closed for a few years now, enabling the couple to enjoy what York had to offer, without the need for Lina to avoid where she had grown up or hide that side of herself.

Of course, her boyfriend's reassurance from the gentle squeeze of her hand to him looking forward to meeting Charles, took away some of the nerves that Lina had suddenly developed, and she was as ready as she was going to be. " You're going to like him, I'm sure" she replied as she led the way to the kitchen, so they could store some of the items that they had bought.

Getting as far as the kitchen door before it opened and all 6ft 2 of Charles Whittaker appeared, only stopping as he realised who was there. " Amelina!" he exclaimed happily as he reached out to hug his daughter. " Hi Dad" she managed to say, as she returned the hug. " Dad, I'd like you to meet Miles, my Boyfriend" she added proudly once her Dad had let go.

Charles had short brown hair with kind green eyes, and immediately assessed the man who had captured his daughter's heart. There was a moment, several moments in fact, where Lina seemed to hold her breath, until Charles finally spoke. " Welcome to our home Miles, it's good to finally meet the man who has taken great care of my Lina" he said sincerely as he held out his hand in greeting.

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 12-08-2023, 01:10 PM

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