The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Lina and Miles made their way towards the kitchen, Lina speaking of how she was sure her father would like Miles. He knew the relationship between the two had been on the mend, so was much better than had been in the past. That didn't necessarily mean the elder Whittaker would welcome Miles with open arms.

Maybe he would, but Miles wouldn't really know until they met the man. Which was sooner than expected, as the older man had opened the same door Lina and Miles had set to enter through. Miles was able to get a good luck at Lina's father in person for the first time.

The most noticeable thing Miles noted about Charles Whittaker was that the two were the same height. They could see eye to eye physically. The real question came from whether they would see eye to eye metaphorically.

The father had embraced his daughter before Lina introduced Miles to him. There was a long, arduous moment, and the tension felt thick as Miles awaited the man's response. He began to worry that things would turn south quickly.

However, that was quickly dashed as Charles welcomed Miles to the home, made mention that it was good to meet the man who had taken care of Lina, as he held his hand out. Miles wasted no time in taking the proffered hand, smiling to Charles in return.

"It's good to meet you as well, sir," Miles replied. "You've raised an amazing daughter."


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 12-19-2023, 10:19 PM

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