The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Once everyone was settled with a nice drink and in comfortable positioning, Charles asked Miles how the younger man was liking York so far. Miles smiled to the man as he responded.

"I have thoroughly been enjoying my time here," Miles began. "Lina has been extremely helpful in enjoying the sites and what the city has to offer." he paused for moment as he collected his next words.

"It is truly amazing how, for lack of a better term, down to Earth the city is as well. It makes it easy to forget that many of us are bound to the stars. It amazes me to find such excitement in the every day. It also lends prospective to the why those of us who do make our lives in the stars will still have a place to put our feet on the ground. As vast and full of wonderment as the galaxy at large may be, York offers such a homey feel. Somewhere I'd be happy to set my feet on the ground at."

As he finished, he looked over to Lina and took her hand.


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 02-11-2024, 08:15 AM

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