The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Throughout the initial conversation with her Dad, Lina was looking forward to seeing how Miles reacted to Charles' specific questions, understanding why he had gone down this route as opposed to starting with the obvious teasing and potential embarrassment. Hearing what Miles had to say about his experience of York so far, made this trip even more worthwhile in Lina's opinion, especially when he spoke so thoughtfully, knowing that it would go down well with Charles. So as Miles looked at her and took her hand, she couldn't help but smile.

" That's exactly why we never wanted to live anywhere else, despite the numerous offers to move countries and even worlds" Charles began, while being happy to admit all of this to Lina's boyfriend. He liked Miles and the way he continued to impress him, providing further evidence that he was the man whom he could proudly call son-in-law in the future.

" Our home is very much your home now, Miles, as I'm sure that Lina has told you that this will be hers one day" he added, as he looked towards the pair. " That being said, I would love for you both to spend more time here when your schedules allow".

It was something that Lina did as often as she was able, but now she had an extra reason to visit more often when Miles got the chance to come home. " I think that can be arranged", Lina replied. While she wasn't ready to give up their home in San Francisco quite yet, this appeared to be the perfect compromise.

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 02-11-2024, 09:52 AM

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