The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles smiled as Charles responded to his view, as he listened intently to the older man's feelings on the place he called home. It was a breath of fresh air, much like York itself.

He nodded as Charles confirmed that the home would be Lina's one day, but was elated by what the man had said leading up. That their home was his home now. He also spoke of the two of them spending more time there when schedules allowed, to which Lina had agreed.

"I'm honored, sir," Miles said. "And I would also love to spend more time here as well, schedules and shore leave permitting, of course."

He thought on that fact. It was a strange kind of schedule that Star Fleet had. Those active in the Fleet, anyways. Even the Academy was a more consistent schedule when it came to being on leave. Those in the Fleet were gone for months at a time at minimum. Of course, their leave also tended to be longer, as well.

But that was an issue to handle when it came up. Right now, Miles was content, by Lina's side, enjoying time with her and her father.


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 02-14-2024, 06:22 PM

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