The Adventures of Lina and Miles
== Carryover Post Grant ==

It was not lost on Miles the double meaning of Lina's words that they made a good team. And he agreed with her. They did make a good team, with more than just cooking. He really did feel they would spend the rest of their lives together.

It was a thought that both excited and terrified Miles. He wasn't sure of Lina's position on the thought of marriage, as it had been one subject they had not broached yet. Which was understandable, considering they were enjoying the time they spent together. He knew it would eventually come up, but, at the moment, he was content to do just that: share the moments with her.

Miles returned Lina's smile in full, though, even as he thought about what the future held for them. He knew he saw her in his life. How that progressed would be natural, and he was looking forward to their continued adventures.


== Carryover Post Whittaker ==

As Miles returned her smile in full, Lina wondered what was going on in that wonderful mind of his, and yet it was probably a good thing that she didn't possess any telepathic ability. Intriguing as it was, Lina liked the dynamic that they already had as well as thinking that she knew her boyfriend pretty well by now. Of course, there were things still to learn about one another, but considering how close they had become, they had a whole future together to do just that. Lina had never considered settling down, but ever since Miles had come into her life, and particularly since things had gotten more serious, it was a possibility that Lina had thought about often, and even shared some of them with Miles.

With dinner coming to an end, Lina reached for her glass of wine, as a different kind of thought came to her, one that might just intrigue her boyfriend. " How do you feel about taking dessert and the rest of this bottle out onto the terrace?, it's still warm out and you'll get a spectacular view".

Her choice of words may have been intentional, but given their current location, they would be able to see the stars clearly without the artificial light spoiling anything.

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The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Damien Coleman - 08-13-2023, 11:16 PM

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