The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles certainly raised a good point as her boyfriend spoke up and gave his reasons why he disagreed with her father. When it came to his career, Charles was often modest about his achievements, and how much effort he put into ensuring that his department ran smoothly. It wasn't too dissimilar to being a DH or an Academy Instructor, even if her Dad had decided to downplay what he did in comparison to the responsibilities of being part of the Fleet. Then again, this could all very well be a test and Lina wasn't afraid to bring up that possibility.

" Dad just likes to be modest, and I've got a sneaking suspicion that he was trying to gauge how you would respond to something like that", Lina interjected, with a look towards Charles. 

" Okay you've got me, but seriously, what you do is very impressive, as fleet life was never for me. Taron was the one who chose to go out among the stars, and I'll admit I was always a little envious, but I couldn't ignore the pull of Academia".

In some ways, that bridge between her Dad and her Uncle Taron had become Lina's life, having experienced both sides and how her career had flourished because of their influences when she was younger.

" Meeting Mum was another reason why you didn't follow Uncle Taron to the Academy".

" Yes, it was, but now I see the pair of you and I know that, despite the distance, you'll keep making it work".

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 02-29-2024, 08:34 AM

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