The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles had an amused smile on his face as he witnessed the banter between father and daughter. It was nice, and reminded him in some ways of how he and his mother could banter from time to time, especially given how she had also been a Star Fleet Officer.

He continued to listen as they spoke of how Charles had almost followed Lina's uncle into Star Fleet, though that had been stopped by Charles having met Lina's mother. Charles had replied in the affirmative before speaking how he knew Miles and Lina could make it work, despite the difference.

"We will," Miles responded, squeezing Lina's hand once more. "Though there is something I wished to discuss with you regarding an upcoming event in Lina's and my life." Miles then explained about his half Haliian ancestry, and the process of Bonding with the Canar.

"I will be informing my mother of this as well, as confirming Lina and I would undergo this tradition has only recently been established," Miles continued, "and I would wish for you to be there for the ceremony. We are still working out the details, though the greatest planning is going to be in obtaining a Canar."


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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 03-14-2024, 08:30 PM

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