The Adventures of Lina and Miles
" You're most welcome" Charles replied, before Miles went on to explain why it would be difficult to obtain the Canar. " That's a great idea, and you can certainly pass on my contact details to your Mother".

Again, hearing all of this reaffirmed the choices that Lina had made, especially those concerning her relationship with Miles. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have her Dad be in contact with her future mother-in-law, because it was important that they get along, and what better way to do that, than helping with the bonding ceremony?

When Miles then continued and looked directly at her, the brunette smiled as her boyfriend caressed her hand, understanding that it didn't matter when it happened because it was all about them. After all, she had already given her consent, and in the meantime, it allowed the couple to continue being together and letting their relationship build with strength and love.

" You always know what to say, and yes, it doesn't matter how long it takes because we have each other".

" This calls for something special, and I know exactly what that will be," Charles stated after giving the couple a few minutes.

Standing up, the elder Whittaker walked over to the drinks cabinet and pulled out a bottle of aged Champagne, before expertly opening it and pouring a substantial amount into three crystal flutes. Carrying the glasses over on a small tray, Charles then handed a glass to Miles and Lina and placed the tray down, to make a toast.

" To love, happiness and the future"

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 03-25-2024, 09:50 AM

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