DS9/P1 - Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade
Kal-Geal finally got out of his debriefing, which had gone rougher than he liked. In hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to ask if anyone else was wearing briefs, but that was the way things went. The Child of San-Tarah had been let out, but told not to go far. They had to contact the Klingons, and would try to get him shipped back to Qo'nos, since embarrassment over the rescue and the recommendation had made them reevaluate the exchange program in all likelihood.

The big white wolf in Klingon armor walked into the bar, probably shocking the observers even further, Deep Space Nine never had a Child of San-Tarah, and at least one Ferengi whimpered for animal control to arrive, before a stern word in Klingon silenced them. As he ordered a warnog as well, he looked around the room, and spied the other Klingon officer of Star Fleet in the room, and went over to the part of the bar she was at.

"I will never want to understand Ferengi. Such fearful little beings, with pointy teeth, and silly desires for strips of coin. Kind of feels like the officer I just finished talking to. So afraid of the Klingon Empire saving their people, that they want to lie and send me home. Anyways, what's got your fur ruffled there Lieutenant d'Tor'an?"

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RE: DS9/P1 - Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade - by Kal-Geal Beinn - 04-14-2024, 03:08 AM

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