AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters
Jez sat there, in silence when Cindy spoke, "There's no doubt here. This is pretty straight forward. You've got a fetal mass that's roughly 3 centimeters and estimated around 30 grams."
Those words hit Jez like a shuttle pod, she was stunned. The words bouncing around in her brain. Jez was trying to think of what she could do.

Jez was so scared, she wished none of this had happened. Jez knew she couldn’t undo what had been done. She had given her most precious gift to a man, a cad, a cruel sadistic beast.

Commander Talion finally spoke up, "Jez, you're required to notify your supervisor. You can stall for about 24 hours. That's enough time for you to go to Sickbay and get an official exam that goes in your records. What happens next is entirely in your hands, but based on your decisions, Star Fleet regulations are pretty clear."  Jez didn’t speak, she was still trying to process.

“What are Star Fleet regulations on this matter, what will happen to me? “ Said Jez, her voice straining with tears. Jez could only imagine what Star Fleet would do, she could only imagine. She would be a single mother. She couldn’t be a Star Fleet Security Officer; as a single mother because it is considered a High risk position. Maybe if she was in Engineering or the Sciences a position that was considered less risky, but if it was a risky assignment a child would be stationed with the parent with the less dangerous assignment, but as a single mother there would be no spouse to send the child to.

“Do you know what he did to me…..Do you know what he said to me……???” Said Jez her voice filled with outrage. “ He called me a filthy half-breed, that my mother should have been killed for giving birth to a mongrel child. He.. took… my love…. He took my love and spat on it and then stomped on it.” Jez was crying again, “He….he… ccc called me, NOTHING.. that I was NOTHINGNOTHING ... .You hear me, he said I was nothing to him.!!” Sobbed Jez. Jez then lifted her tunic to expose her ribs, there were several bruises one in the shape of a boot heel. “He was drunk and he kicked me like a dog.” Said Jez. “He was supposed to be my Imzadi. “ My IMZADI….!!!”

Jez felt a chill run down her spine. She was so afraid now her secret was out in the open.
“ That's why I didn’t want to be retrained, I didn’t want you to find out my shame. I never wanted to disrespect you or Commander Kurasa. He said that I should keep my mouth shut or that he would see to it that my parents' careers and standing in the Scientific Community would be ruined.” Stammered Jez, her voice cracking.

Just then Reyna appeared with Thor and she said,  "Father, did you make Jez cry? It would be very rude for you to make our first guest upset. What sort of precedent would that set? Honestly, I can't take you anywhere."

Whipping her tears away, “No Sweetie, your father is being very kind. I received some unexpected news and he’s helping me find a solution.” Said Jez as she chuckled slightly at  Reyna’s sweetness.

Much to Jez’s surprise Thor tilted his head and groaned in a comical way before approaching Jez and giving her a nudge with his massive head. Much like its owner, it was big and scary looking, but was actually quite friendly.

Well, I guess it’s true when they say pets look like their owners.

Jez sat there for a few moments and patted Thor while she continued to process this whole thing. She had no idea what Star Fleet would do as she had never been in this situation before.

== Tag Talion. ==

Messages In This Thread
AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Paul - 03-02-2024, 02:35 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Xenara Xardeen - 04-04-2024, 09:16 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-14-2024, 06:07 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Shione Kurasa - 04-16-2024, 08:23 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-16-2024, 08:55 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-17-2024, 06:55 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-19-2024, 03:30 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-20-2024, 04:28 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Julia Troy - 04-21-2024, 03:44 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-21-2024, 03:59 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-21-2024, 11:42 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-23-2024, 04:34 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-23-2024, 05:44 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-26-2024, 05:00 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-26-2024, 05:53 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Shione Kurasa - 04-28-2024, 10:12 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-29-2024, 02:10 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-29-2024, 04:47 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-30-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-07-2024, 05:15 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-11-2024, 06:17 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-13-2024, 05:32 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-13-2024, 10:04 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-14-2024, 04:51 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-14-2024, 06:16 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-15-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-15-2024, 10:01 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-16-2024, 06:52 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-16-2024, 07:24 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-17-2024, 04:59 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-17-2024, 06:34 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-18-2024, 07:35 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-18-2024, 02:51 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-19-2024, 05:16 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-20-2024, 05:12 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-23-2024, 06:42 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Lois Lim - 06-01-2024, 08:18 AM

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