AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters
Jez returned to her quarters, she plopped down on her bed, and She stared up at the ceiling. The conversation in Commander Talion's quarters was intense, to say the least, she had never thought that she would be pregnant at such a young age.

Jez remembered what Teddy Bear told her, when you have a difficult decision to make, make a Ben Franklin fact sheet.

Pro: I would be bringing a new life into the Universe.
Pro: By having the baby I would hold onto my
Pro: If I carry the baby to term I could put it up for adoption and make a couple who possibly can't have a baby happy.
Pro: I could raise the baby and not make the mistakes my parents made with me.
Pro: Placing the baby in Cryo Stasis would allow me time to mature and develop parenting skills. 
Con: I would be less effective as a Security Officer.
Con: Aborting the bay would make me a murderer and violate my belief that all life is sacred.
Con: The Cryo stasis could be destroyed.
Con: I would have to deal with Renkarn Ukinix.

Jez reviewed her list and the Pro’s outnumbered the Con’s, but only by one. The truth was no one knows for certain what the future holds, Jez and the baby could get killed, and they could be transferred to a Planetary post or a Star Base.

I could have my  Grandmother raise the baby and I could spend Holidays and my annual shore leave on Betazed with my Grandmother and my child. What are you thinking, you haven’t a clue on how to be a mother…!!

Jez went to the replicator and got a green tea. She sat at her desk,  “Computer, what is a mother?”

{ Working….! Mother  Is a female who  brings up (a child) with care and affection. A mother looks after (someone) kindly and protectively, sometimes excessively for, take care of,  nurture, nurse, protect, cherish, tend, raise, rear, pamper, coddle, cosset, baby, overprotect, overparent, fuss over, indulge, spoil, to give birth to an infant.]

Jez listened to the computer, it didn’t really help. Jez sat there for a while, she thought about it, if she was going to raise a child, she needed to know what it means to be a parent, a mother.  Jez began her research.

“Computer download all available texts on Parenting and child rearing to this station.” Said Jez.

[ There are sixty million  terabytes of data in the Federation Database on this subject.] Replied the computer. 
Jez shook her head by the time she read all that information the baby would be a grandparent itself. Jez had to narrow this down a bit. She was half Betazoid and half Vulcan. She decided to download  the Betazoid and Vulcan and HUman information on Parenting and child-rearing.

“Computer download the Betazoid, Vulcan and Human  Information  on Parenting and child rearing and create a comparative  overview.” Instructed Jez.

[ Working, it will take several hours to complete.] Replied the computer.

Jez then slipped into bed, as she had a busy day tomorrow.

Messages In This Thread
AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Paul - 03-02-2024, 02:35 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Xenara Xardeen - 04-04-2024, 09:16 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-14-2024, 06:07 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Shione Kurasa - 04-16-2024, 08:23 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-16-2024, 08:55 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-17-2024, 06:55 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-19-2024, 03:30 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-20-2024, 04:28 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Julia Troy - 04-21-2024, 03:44 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-21-2024, 03:59 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-21-2024, 11:42 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-23-2024, 04:34 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-23-2024, 05:44 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-26-2024, 05:00 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-26-2024, 05:53 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Shione Kurasa - 04-28-2024, 10:12 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-29-2024, 02:10 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 04-29-2024, 04:47 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 04-30-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-07-2024, 05:15 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-11-2024, 06:17 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-13-2024, 05:32 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-13-2024, 10:04 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-14-2024, 04:51 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-14-2024, 06:16 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-15-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-15-2024, 10:01 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-16-2024, 06:52 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-16-2024, 07:24 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-17-2024, 04:59 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-17-2024, 06:34 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-18-2024, 07:35 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-18-2024, 02:51 PM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-19-2024, 05:16 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Kalli Thorn - 05-20-2024, 05:12 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Jez Mala - 05-23-2024, 06:42 AM
RE: AQ/D05-32 - Crew Quarters - by Lois Lim - 06-01-2024, 08:18 AM

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