DS9/P1 - Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade
"Honestly, if you'd agreed, we wouldn't be standing her talking now," Braggins said. "My career is going down the toilet as quickly as Starfleet can flush me, it's probably for the best yours doesn't join it."

"Thank you, Captain, but my career was already... in the toilet, as you put it, before I ever agreed to join you." T'Lari was genuinely puzzled by human slang sometimes, but she understood (and agreed with) Braggins' use of the term. "That wasn't why I chose to join you in your theft of the Yeager, though. I did so because it was logical, because Starfleet was utterly wrong in its decisions. If you hadn't done so the Cardassian ship would have escaped along with its hostages."

A Bajoran waitress came over and asked for a drink order. The half-Vulcan considered for a moment. "Green tea, please. Hot. No sugar."

Jenny drained her mug, then reached for another. T'Lari was impressed by the tiny woman's ability to hold her alcohol.

"You did the right thing. You're a good officer, your new CO will be lucky to have you, wherever you end up."

"Thank you, Captain," the Tactical officer replied with a slight nervousness.

"Have they told you where you're going?" Braggins asked. "Command were pretty pissed but none of us got the boot, or sent to Starbase Eighty, so there's that."

"No word yet. Perhaps I'll be returned to the Yeager," she said, a slight trace of bitterness slipping through despite her attempts to mask it.

The music and the loud environment weren't helping her often-precarious self control. As she did so often, T'Lari felt a sense of shame at her inability to control her emotions completely... itself an emotion, compounding her shame. Her grandfather had achieved Kolinahr. Why couldn't she master even the basics? Was it her Romulan blood? Her early upbringing? Likely both.

"Should they assign you to Captain another ship I would be gratified to serve under you," she said. Despite her refusal to follow the order to resist Starfleet Security she still admired Braggins. Likely the odd Captain would be given another assignment. She was too valuable an asset to Starfleet to imprison or assign to permanent desk duty. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, Starfleet needed her.

== Tag Jenny ==

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RE: DS9/P1 - Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade - by T'Lari - 04-28-2024, 01:38 PM

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