Daughter of Frankenstein
==DH Timeline (Qi, Black, D'Tor'an)==

Jenny had been finishing her report on the Yeager's progress when the door to her office opened and M'Rell walked in, leading three of her Department Heads. Two she knew; D'Tor'an and Black, but the third she had only head of by reputation; Arwen Qi, half-Trill scientist who had received his symbiont in emergency circumstances. His personnel jacket didn't say much about his career, but given his association with Adaran 225, that was hardly a surprise - Jenny doubted there was anyone with more redacted cells in their service record than the Hermat, and that was coming from someone whose own history was a complete fabrication.

In truth, Jenny hadn't expected D'Tor'an to attend, as she'd been due to arrive on a later transport, but that didn't really matter. She'd been declared persona-non-grata by Starfleet Command among with the rest of the senior staff, so it stood to reason that she would be assigned to the Yeager and want to get away from civilization as fast as she could.

Can't say I blame her. Mutinous or not, there aren't many others I'd trust with the safety of the ship.

"Welcome to the Antares Fleet Yards; some of you might have seen our new home on the way in. Unfortunately she's not finished so we'll be twiddling our thumbs here for a while. I'm told that despite the...irregularities regarding her construction, she's got state-of-the-art systems. Shame we're going to be stuck with second-line duties, but that goes part-and-parcel with being on Command's shit-list."

Leaning back in her chair, Jenny smiled warmly and turned her gaze intently upon Qi.

"Lieutenants Black and D'Tor'an I already know, but you're new to our merry bunch of renegades, Commander. Tell us about yourself."

Messages In This Thread
Daughter of Frankenstein - by Jennifer Braggins - 04-29-2024, 01:48 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-02-2024, 08:00 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-04-2024, 05:20 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-05-2024, 01:43 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-06-2024, 01:34 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-07-2024, 06:24 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-07-2024, 05:35 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-07-2024, 08:14 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Jennifer Braggins - 05-08-2024, 01:01 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-08-2024, 05:07 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-08-2024, 07:54 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-09-2024, 03:01 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by T'Lari - 05-11-2024, 02:40 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Jade West - 05-12-2024, 08:37 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Kal-Geal Beinn - 05-12-2024, 06:01 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-13-2024, 07:01 AM

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