Daughter of Frankenstein
== Wymore Station, Office of Personnel, one week ago ==

T'Lari entered the office calmly. She'd spent two hours meditating, focusing herself and attempting to keep any emotions under control for what she knew was going to be a rough meeting. Today she'd find out her new assignment, and whether she had any sort of future in Starfleet.

The half-Vulcan half-Romulan Tactical officer already knew she'd avoided any kind of jail time or a dishonorable discharge for her assistance in the theft of the Yeager and the incident aboard the Philadelphia. Starfleet wasn't going to be discharging or jailing Captain Braggins, and T'Lari was a small fish, not even worth making an example of. The whole incident was causing a stir in the general Federation, and command had to deal with that. But her escape didn't exactly mean she would be assigned to the new Enterprise or the Artemis. It was likely her career was still just as stalled as it was before.

The door slid open. A brown-haired and stern middle-aged woman, Lt. Commander by rank, sat behind her rather plain oak desk. "Lieutenant T'Lari? Enter." she asked, pronouncing it 'lef-tenant.' She had the accent of upper-class British nobility despite such things not being significant on Earth anymore. "I am Lt. Commander Maxwell, office of Personnel." She did not offer the Vulcan a seat, so T'Lari stood.

"Your record is... colorful. To say the least." She made a motion of looking over a PADD that she'd obviously already read. "By all rights you should be out of the service. However, Starfleet disagrees, and given the personnel shortages we're facing due to recent events even a warm body like yourself may still be useful."

T'Lari felt a bit of cold anger. Pride was an emotion, but one even 'normal' Vulcans were not immune to. She wasn't egotistical, but she was aware that she was an extremely skilled Tactical officer.

"We do have a posting for you. Since you so ably... assisted Captain Braggins on her last mission it's been decided that you should remain under her command." The human put the PADD on the desk and slid it over to the Vulcan. "Understand, this is your last chance. As far as I'm concerned Braggins is an eyepatch and a bottle of rum away from being a pirate, but Starfleet has decided to retain her talents. She's welcome to you. It's either that or Starbase Eighty." The officer said it with the same tone that O'Brien had referred to 'Room 101' in Orwell's novel '1984.'

T'Lari felt like she should say something but remained quiet. She merely nodded. Let the human have her little outburst. It didn't matter. She picked up the PADD, which ordered her to report to the Antares Shipyards, Bajor Sector.

"Dismissed." The Tactical officer left, giving the Lt. Commander no further thought. A bit of happiness slipped through her control. Braggins had mentioned a new ship when they'd met on Deep Space Nine. Even if it turned out to be nothing more than a shakedown cruise it was still better than being sent back to the parts depot.

== Current timeline, several hours ago ==

What... is that?

The ship outside the starboard viewport of the shuttle was a definite surprise. No, surprise didn't even cover it.

Did they intentionally make a new Yeager?

Humans baffled T'Lari sometimes, and this decision had their fingerprints all over it. Only a species as crazy as humanity would look at the cobbled-together spaceframe of the old veteran Dominion War ship and think 'Let's do that again.' The original Yeager was a desperate attempt to weld together a functional starship to fight a war; it was pure luck that the ship had worked so well, and had even distinguished itself in that conflict. It had been a desperate time when the Federation was hauling every ship out of mothballs it could to throw at the Dominion. They'd been dusting off old Miranda-class vessels and drone-piloting them, arming Galaxy-class explorers with enough guns to melt a planet's surface, and even sending out old fighter wings to get blown up by the Dominion.

This? This wasn't an old ship. Serious thought had been put into this, and T'Lari couldn't understand it. Granted, Starfleet had suffered its share of recent losses... the Megasphere battle, the takeover of Starfleet's young officers by the Borg... things couldn't possibly be that bad. Could they? That was a Pathfinder frame, a new top of the line explorer based on the tried and true Intrepid class, mated to a... Perry?

The name and registry came into view. USS Yeager. NCC-60097.

I will never understand humans.

It didn't matter, ultimately. It was a new ship, not a mothballed relic slowly falling apart in a supply depot yard. She would deal with whatever problems arose. Perhaps her career wasn't over after all.

== Now ==

The turbolift door slid open and T'Lari entered the Bridge. From here there was no sign of the ship being a Frankenstein monster, as the humans put it. The bridge looked new. It smelled new. The controls, far from being the cobbled-together panels that were outdated even when the original Yeager was new, were sleek and advanced, with full holographics.

Crew were moving around, ignoring her while making final preparations for launch. She went over to the Tactical station.

I can work with this.

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Daughter of Frankenstein - by Jennifer Braggins - 04-29-2024, 01:48 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-02-2024, 08:00 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-04-2024, 05:20 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-05-2024, 01:43 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-06-2024, 01:34 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-07-2024, 06:24 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-07-2024, 05:35 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-07-2024, 08:14 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-08-2024, 05:07 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Theresa Black - 05-08-2024, 07:54 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Peter Jensen - 05-09-2024, 03:01 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by T'Lari - 05-11-2024, 02:40 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Jade West - 05-12-2024, 08:37 AM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Kal-Geal Beinn - 05-12-2024, 06:01 PM
RE: Daughter of Frankenstein - by Arwen Qi - 05-13-2024, 07:01 AM

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