AQ/D06 - Science Labs
Cindy actually gave a hint of a blush and smiled at Xenara's comment about being personable. Cindy gave a nod in return, "Thank you. I don't get much of a chance to directly interact with people anymore. Most people, especially Captains, tend to be uncomfortable around programs like mine or synthetics in general." Her expression became a little more serious, "Sadly, we've had to compensate and adjust for such realities. People want an EMH with a good bedside manner, yet if they seem too real, people tend to quickly take a dislike. It is what we call the creepy factor in such programming." She glanced at Alex with a touch of nostalgia in her eyes, "I've been with Alex in one form or another for more than 20 years now. It has been quite a journey."

When asked about her tattoo, Cindy's grin turned a bit more devilish and returned to the tank top look, "That?" She pointed to it briefly, "It's a unit that us girls formed. Sarah was the real leader of it, it was her passion. The Valkyrie. We trained to fly in a modified Marine Runabout Dropship and med-evac troops in hostile territory. Sometimes we would need to go in on foot and carry them out. We helped to train such units as well. The whole idea was to try and save lives. Alex encouraged us to be who we are and to develop our specialties. We all met or exceeded Star Fleet requirements and standards. We were required to pace the testing on all levels BEFORE it was revealed which of us was REAL and which were not."

Cindy gave a little sigh, "It can be strange how times change."

Taking a step back, hands on hips, Cindy looked Xenara up and down, nodding slowly in approval, "Yep, I think this is good work. Better than simple civilian options, but not quite getting into any of the combat grade stuff, so not really bending any rules on that aspect. It should serve you well. I hope you enjoy it. It looks nice on you."

Almost as an afterthought, "Oh! It also has a transportation mode. If you ever actually need to remove it, like if you went home or something, hold out your hand and tell it to prepare for transporting. It isn't to do with transporters, but it actually will remove itself from you and form itself into a small brick with rounded corners and edges where the harder material is on the outside to encase the other nanites. It is coded to your bio-signatures and can't be used for or by anyone else. Let me know if you ever have any other questions."

Cindy leaned in and gave a teasing side eye to Coppola as she nearly whispered to Xenara, "Keep on eye on that one. He reminds me of Skye. She likes to drink too."

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AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Daniel Brooks - 05-10-2024, 07:57 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-11-2024, 06:37 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-11-2024, 07:17 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-11-2024, 08:24 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-11-2024, 08:58 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Cologero Coppola - 05-11-2024, 09:12 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-12-2024, 09:44 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-12-2024, 08:35 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-13-2024, 09:31 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-13-2024, 06:26 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Cologero Coppola - 05-13-2024, 10:18 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-13-2024, 10:58 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Cologero Coppola - 05-14-2024, 05:19 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-14-2024, 09:58 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-14-2024, 05:12 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Cologero Coppola - 05-15-2024, 03:49 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-15-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-16-2024, 04:39 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Xenara Xardeen - 05-16-2024, 09:44 AM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Alexander Talion - 05-16-2024, 06:58 PM
RE: AQ/D06 - Science Labs - by Cologero Coppola - 05-17-2024, 12:13 AM

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