YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters
Ktan stood outside the doors to his quarters, unsure if he really wanted to walk inside. His temper had cooled over the last few weeks on Deep Space Nine, a time he had spent in equal parts rest, recreation, and meditation. He'd been able to contact a few other Kzin refugees, rub shoulders with Starfleet officers who had no knowledge of the fiasco on the Philadelphia, and even have some vibrant philosophical discussion with the local Bajoran Ranjen. He'd heard from, learned from, and grown from a variety of different perspectives during his shore leave, before facing would likely be one of the hardest choices in the career.

Starfleet wanted him under Braggins' command.

The assignment came with a promotion to Ensign and a pat on the back for his performance on the Philadelphia. It seemed that whatever they thought of the remainder of the crew, Ktan at least was considered to have acted nobly. But why the personnel division thought keep him under the command of a captain who had lied to and manipulated him into participating in mutinous actions, he could only guess. Whatever praise may have been written into his official record, it seemed a low ranking science officer would never be privy to every decision making process. No matter how many times he asked to plead his case, the answer was the same: Accept the assignment to the USS Yeager, Captain Braggins' new command, or take an honorable discharge - his career snuffed out before it could really begin.

Ktan guessed that perhaps the brass felt having someone around who had already stood up the captain once would be a good reminder for Braggins to tow the line in the future, though again. . . Ktan was only an ensign. It wasn't as though he was being assigned to an important post. If anything, it seemed that perhaps Starfleet wanted the details of the Philadelphia's last mission to be kept as under wraps and in a good light as possible. Having an outsider who was openly critical of the crew's actions wondering the fleet might have been antithetical to that objective.

Whatever the case, Ktan had ultimately chosen the Yeager - as insignificant an assignment as one could find in Starfleet - over discharge. He still believed he had work to do.

So why couldn't he step into his quarters?

A few other junior officers walked past as Ktan hesitated outside his door. Walking into that room, unpacking his things (which had finally arrived from Outpost Gamma Seven), meant his decision was final. His grand entrance into Starfleet would forever be marked and molded by Jennifer Braggins. Even if he resisted, the future of career would be shaped by her accomplishments, her accolades, her command style, her department heads, her recommendations. Ktan may find himself playing politics more often than engaging in scientific exploration. Hardly an auspicious start for someone who wanted to discover, the excavate knowledge and better understand the universe.

Maybe he should have left after all. . . taken up a civilian post.

But is that what I want?

No. Ktan had chosen Starfleet for a reason. They were a force for good, whatever his quabbles with an individual captain. These last few weeks had shown him many perspectives, some of which would have found the captain's decisions justified, if they'd had all the facts. Ktan couldn't deny that. And Stafleet was an organization built on diversity of thought. It's why they were one of the quadrant's great superpowers. It's why Braggins still had a command. It's why Ktan, despite being trained by the Kzinti military, was allowed in Starfleet at all. Everyone had a voice. Everyone got second chances.

This was Braggins' chance. This was Ktan's as well.

His head clearing, Ktan stepped forward, the doors his quarters - and his future - opening before him.

Ad astra per aspera, he thought, remembering the Starfleet recruitment motto. To the stars, through hardship.

Messages In This Thread
YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 12:46 AM
RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Ktan Shadowhunt - 05-14-2024, 08:07 PM
RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Theresa Black - 05-15-2024, 08:26 PM
RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Theresa Black - 05-23-2024, 07:43 PM
RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Theresa Black - 05-28-2024, 06:15 PM
RE: YE/D02-07 - Crew Quarters - by Theresa Black - 06-08-2024, 06:32 AM

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