Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Kalli made her way into the holodeck and allowed herself to be brought to the main gathering spot. She was a bit nervous as she tried to step out of her comfort zone and was wearing a dress. Even her closest friends had rarely seen her without something covering her arms and legs, not to mention everything else in between. In this case, her arms were bare to the shoulder and the length of her dress was about mid calf, but there was a slit that ran up one side that allowed an occasional glimpse of a leg to mid thigh. A very well trained eye might spot a thin scar her or there, though only perfect timing might allow someone to spot part of three scars on her lower back that ran together and were a souvenir of an animal attack from her youth. Her hair was down and most would barely recognize her.

Not being a very social creature, Kalli remained quiet for now, observing the other people there. She was not only amused, but a bit surprised to see Cindy appear. This party was suddenly much more interesting than she had expected. It had been a long time since Cindy had been welcomed by a crew. She worried a little for how people might interpret the program, but she understood it well and was convinced that if people found Talion's programs agreeable enough and useful enough, she might have better odds of implementing her own test programs for use in her efforts to make the ship safer.

== What can I say, she still has her shy moments, even though she is getting bolder one step at a time. ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Kalli Thorn - 05-26-2024, 02:19 AM

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