AT/L99 - Crew Log
Chief Medical Officer's Log
Stardate 22405.28

I'm going to restrain myself from putting too many of my personal opinions in this report. Starfleet might not appreciate it. I'll attach a separate note if whoever is reading this is for some reason interested.

The crew of the Artemis was ordered to infiltrate the USS Callisto, a captured Starfleet vessel, and prevent the Slipstream Drive from falling into enemy hands. Secondary was to rescue any hostages. We failed on both accounts.

While the initial mission to enter the ship was done without incident, things quickly began to go south. Two members of the team, Lieutenants Miller and Calleja, were injured by disruptor fire and saved only by their armor. Field treatment was sufficient to return both to duty. For details see my medical report. Lieutenant Calleja will require nerve regeneration in her leg due to a glancing shot that missed her armor.

Most of the crew had already been taken to Cardassian space. The remaining hostages were beamed away even as we entered the ship, and investigation found that the Slipstream Drive had been crudely removed and hauled away. Based on reports the drive was thankfully destroyed and most of the hostages rescued by the USS Philadelphia. The Cardassians, aware of our presence, evacuated and attempted to destroy the ship. Captain Crawford made the decision to attempt to salvage the Callisto rather than allow her to be destroyed. Radiation levels aboard the ship rose and treatment was administered, as detailed in my medical report. Note that all surviving members of the away team should be monitored for radiation exposure. This may prove difficult for Captain Crawford, considering her resistance to doctor's examination.

One team member, Jay D'mar, was killed as she attempted repairs on the Callisto's warp drive. Her body was unrecoverable, reduced to plasma instantly. I'm not sure of the details, but they will be in the report of Chief Engineer Elias.

We spent a half day aboard the Callisto as the ship limped away from the Parhelia System before rendezvousing with the Artemis. We are currently being towed back to Deep Space Nine.

Conditions aboard the Callisto were appalling. The remaining engineering crew that had been kept aboard were kept in jammed together in the enlisted quarters, fed only emergency rations, and denied basic sanitation. Please see my uploaded sensor scans and recordings.

During the mission most team members, myself included, showed signs of stress, anger, and frustration. Morale among the team was almost nonexistent. The Captain in particular showed serious stress, though she at no point acted irrationally or endangered the mission.

I'd like to commend Commander Elias for his actions. He was constantly thinking on his feet and was, in my opinion, largely responsible for what little success we had... at the very least making sure we weren't trapped by force fields in the initial phases.

Attached Personal Note:

== Robin's normally soft and kind voice is cold and dripping with contempt in the voice recording ==

The Artemis crew should never have been sent on this mission. We are not a commando unit, not trained in infiltration or recovery, and we were given almost no useful information. Starfleet's intelligence was woefully lacking, and you can use whichever definition of the word you like.

And to make matters worse we discovered afterwards that Starfleet had rescinded the order, meaning we were technically acting without orders. I'm not sure whether the decision was made out of cowardice or a willingness to sell its own officers down the river to prevent a diplomatic incident, but either way it doesn't show competence or morality from Starfleet Command. Only the actions of Captain Braggins of the USS Philadelphia saved the situation, and she was forced to act illegally to do so. Without her the Slipstream Drive would have fallen into Cardassian hands and the remaining Callisto hostages would have been left to rot in a Cardassian prison... or killed.

Right now Starfleet is suffering from extreme manpower shortages and can't afford to treat its people like expendable pawns. I'm not just talking about our team but the crew of the Callisto itself, many of whom are rotting in cardassian jails... and I doubt the Federation will do anything about it but write them off. The fleet still hasn't recovered losses from the Megasphere battle or the Borg takeover several years ago, and incidents like this erode morale even further.

The thing about treating people like pawns is that eventually you run out of pawns.

End log.

Messages In This Thread
AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Tyra Crawford - 08-18-2023, 08:13 PM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Lucy Devereaux - 10-04-2023, 04:35 PM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Aeryn Miller - 10-05-2023, 08:11 PM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Benjamin Elias - 10-20-2023, 04:19 PM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Aeryn Miller - 05-28-2024, 08:38 AM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Robin Mayfair - 05-28-2024, 11:06 AM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Benjamin Elias - 05-28-2024, 09:56 PM
RE: AT/L99 - Crew Log - by Lucy Devereaux - 06-04-2024, 11:31 AM

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