YE/D04 - Security Complex
<< Ready Room <<
Managing to escape the Ready Room not long after another engineer had shown up, Jade knew the best course of action was to actually head down to Security now that she was official and all. Jade still wasn’t entirely sold on the Yeager’s outward appearance, but the interior continued to remind her that it was no different than a regular ship.
That other Midshipman was ‘something’. Even if it was alcohol induced stupidity, I don’t think I’d ever feel safe lowering my guard around him. The Captain seemed nice enough, but for all I know that’s her professionalism shining through. I’ll eventually fill in the blanks with everyone else eventually, it’s only a matter of time.
Several minutes later, Jade found herself entering the Security Complex. Given the fact that the Yeager was equipped to operate with less than a hundred individuals, the young brunette wasn’t expecting the most elaborate room imaginable. For what they would be expected to defend, it was probably adequate enough. Otherwise, whoever designed the Yeager would’ve seriously screwed up.
While only going based on the quick glances she’d taken of the ship’s roster, Jade believed she’d located her department head. Perhaps if she’d managed a better look at the collar to register the two solid pips, Jade would’ve had direct confirmation. Alas, she didn’t. However, based on context clues it seemed to be her current target. It was simple binary, Jade was either going to be correct or incorrect, with no in-between. As she approached, the young woman did her best to keep a good first impression.
“Lieutenant d’Tor’an?”
Without knowing any correct pronunciation, especially when it came to Klingon names, Jade wasn’t about to take any chances. Perhaps it was a bit slower, but she couldn’t really afford to take any chances now, could she?
== I promise I’m not contagious anymore, lol. (Yes I know that’s not how the interwebs work, lol.) ==

Messages In This Thread
YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 01:24 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 05-28-2024, 11:12 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 06-02-2024, 01:02 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Peter Jensen - 06-19-2024, 06:40 PM

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