Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Happy that Captains enjoyed his gift, as First impressions go it would be a good one. This was also a good time to take his leave, there would be so many people wanting to give Birthday wishes, truly the best of times that just started to have promise. Cologero really enjoyed having the company of lovely women of the crew, and now there were a few of them.

Excepting her arm into his."It would be my pleasure to be your escort to the party Miss Young." With a smile fitting for a gentleman. This evening was going to be next to impossible to top until a few more came, Cindy and Talion who didn't fit the typical Science Officer stereotype. Most scientists he knew were fifty shades of dull, he must have been absent on the days they taught how to be dull.

"Cindy a pleasure to see you again, the room just got a little brighter." He was happy to see Talion bring her. "Talion we will try some of thoes tequila drinks later, for now I am going to enjoy the most important elements here. Great company and celebrating life, something wh should all cherish." 

"A pleasure to meet you as well, I am Cologero Coppola, my friends call me C."  The real reason that Cologero loved events like this was a collaboration of Cultural, it gave him a better chance to understand more about the differences. Julie brought a little more class with her, and her animals. It was nice to meet Spike and Dot, therapy animals help people recover faster.

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Cologero Coppola - 05-28-2024, 06:45 PM

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