YE/D04 - Security Complex
Luckily, Jade hadn’t managed to embarrass herself by calling the wrong name. That didn’t mean opportunities wouldn’t rear their ugly heads in the future, but for the moment she’d take what she could get. The surprisingly strong hand grip even said so.
“I saw your transcripts: hand-to-hand and small arms training, I like that. Walk with me.”
Hard to tell if that’s “Klingon” talking, or “Security”. Klingons don’t typically opt for ranged weapons in general, and typically prefer blades and stuff that help close quarters combat. Stop thinking like that, Jade. It’s the 25th century, after all, and thinking about the stereotype isn’t going to do good for anyone.
As the younger woman listened on their little tour, she did take notice of the odd fact that the Yeager seemed to be crewed by members of its previous incarnation. At first glance, that didn’t seem to make sense to Jade. From what she’d recalled from the Ready Room, it had seemed like the Yeager’s namesake was a relic from the Dominion War. It wasn’t necessarily unheard of a starship being in service for such a long time, however if that were the case it was likely not exactly a ‘good thing’ that the current ship was brand new. Or it could’ve simply been nothing more than admiralty politics.
“Our Captain’s name is Jen Braggins - she’s what Starfleet calls a “wildcard,” and I’m tasked with keeping everyone safe while she goes off and tries to get us all killed.”
To Jade that particular comment raised a slight red flag. Perhaps it was just a bit of an exaggeration, but the lower down the food chain meant one was typically keeping secrets upon secrets from others. Although, the newly graduated officer wasn’t in the know. There would be plenty of time to find out for sure in the future, and that was only assuming she ever found out the actual truth. Everyone would see the truth as what they believed, even if those beliefs weren’t entirely one hundred percent accurate. That was something even Jade herself wasn’t immune to.
“So, I take it you’ve served with Captain Braggins before? I’m just surprised to hear her being described in such a way, ‘wildcard’. I just met with the Captain, and didn’t see anything that would give me that vibe. Granted, it was only for a whole, what, five minutes or so and she’s had years more of experience to shield that particular aspect.”
If that was a potential threat, Jade wondered if there were going to be some shades of gray she wasn’t prepared for yet. Newly graduated cadets were trained to back their captain at all times, but if something were to unnecessarily place the crews life in jeopardy, was that something Jade would be able to support? Luckily, that wasn’t truly a question current Jade had to answer.
“Sorry, I’m just wondering if it’s inexperience on my part, or naivety.”

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YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 01:24 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 05-28-2024, 11:12 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 06-02-2024, 01:02 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Peter Jensen - 06-19-2024, 06:40 PM

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