Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
The music and the pose Jez struck instantly told Alex that she wished to engage in a traditional waltz, which was fairly fitting for the theme. He wasn't really sure they entirely fit the fictional time frame, but he was certainly not going to be one to quibble about such matters. Her height was only a few inches shorter than his, which made them well suited for the dance steps. He gently took her hand in his and placed his hand to her hip in a manner that remained very polite and gentlemanly. Her words of thanks were generous and for just a moment he wondered if he might have given her reason to think that he had been flirting with her. He didn't think so, but his mind didn't often go to that train of thought, so he made himself consider it for just a few seconds. Given their age difference, he had not entertained such thoughts until now. Alex was already in his teens when Jez had been born, but to be fair, he had certainly known couples with greater age differences. The thoughts didn't really manage to take root in his mind, even with deliberate consideration. Jez was actually rather attractive and there was certainly a youthful energy about her, but the truth was that Alex was still a mess. He had never expected to fall in love with Kristina, but when he did, he fell hard. He would be the first to admit that if he were actually able to say the words, the simple fact was that he likely would never recover from the death of his wife. He was still so in love with her memory that his grieving would never really end. He wasn't going to let that ruin the evening of this young woman in his arms though. She deserved his attention and to enjoy a nice dance. She had been through her own rough waves lately and this party was a nice distraction.

Alex managed to say, "There's no need for thanks. I..."

Just then, another young woman approached and said, "Excuse me, may I cut in?"

Alex had been caught off guard and wasn't sure exactly who she wanted to dance with for a second, but only had time enough to say with a polite grin, "Oh...well..."

Before he could say or do more, the ladies had switched places and he heard Jez whisper, "See, I told you."

Deciding to log that away in his brain for later, he smiled and gave a slight bow before quickly adjusting to the pace of the new dance partner. To her surprise, he was not some soft, desk riding academic. She could feel the strength in his hands and the tone in his muscles. Her heritage had taught her to not only understand the facts, but how to evaluate them. He had a very well tuned sense of balance that wasn't just part of his dancing. There was something athletic involved, like martial arts or a skill that he used to keep himself honed. His steps were light, but deliberate.

B'Tor rambled on a bit and Alex continued a grin politely, letting her get it out of her system. He finally replied, "Well, Ensign B'Tor Thoz, first of all, let me welcome you to the Aquila. Although I'm sorry that your journey to us was a bit stressful, as space travel can be at times, I'm glad that you did manage to make it to us in one piece. You certainly don't look any the worse for wear, so I'm going to presume that you're fit for duty and have managed to find quarters that are suitable. This doesn't exactly seem the best time and place for an official evaluation and expectations sort of conversation, but I will say that while on my team, I put less faith in rank and more in competence. Rank has a place and we're part of Star Fleet, but we're scientists. Knowledge is power and team dynamics will revolve around who is best equipped to do the job. You're going to hear that word from me a great deal. We're a team. If you have ideas, I want to hear them. That doesn't mean I want you to run to me with every thought that crosses your busy mind though. We're intelligent and creative people, so there would never be a silent or contemplative moment if we gave voice to every idea. If you come to me, try to do so with facts. The first thing I'm going to want to look at is your data, so be prepared for that."

The dance was ending, but he knew he had not answered her other questions, "As for all of those other questions, I suppose I can address them, if that's what you really wish to do right now." He glanced around, "It just seems a bit of an odd setting to talk shop is all. I know you have a million questions, but take a deep breath first. If you try to ask them all at once, it is like trying to rush a fine meal. I suggest that you think about what few questions you might really want to ask, then leave others for another time. In this way, you will be more likely to actually hear and understand the answers, savoring the meal, instead of thinking too hard about getting out your next question. That way, we'll both enjoy the conversation much more. We will also be working together, so I'm sure that there will be many more opportunities for us to have such conversations. I much prefer your comments or questions to be well thought out and I promise that I will do my best to do the same. Does this sound like an acceptable proposal to you?"

The dance ended , but he paused, allowing her to respond, unhurried.

== Tag Jez and B'Tor ==
== I have no other criteria to reference about age, height, etc. ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Alexander Talion - 06-03-2024, 01:31 AM

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