Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Alex nodded, "Yes, we should take care not to allow our guest of honor to feel too neglected." Glancing toward Cindy, he continued, "Cindy often needs to remind me not to get too lost in my work. Fortunately, my daughter now helps keep me on my toes in ways I would have never anticipated."

Cindy handed him his drink back as she walked over to him. She gave a plie nod to B'Tor and she gave an appreciative look at the attire and commented, "I really love those colors on you. It gives off a sort of warrior princess aura that goes well with this theme. All you need is a weapon and a shield to complete the fashionable Shield Maiden look and they will begin writing epic sagas about you. Such sagas always sound better in Klingon though." She punctuated the last with a sassy wink and a smile.

Alex took a sip of his drink and agreed, "Indeed! Then again, life can be so boring without at least a little bit of sassiness in how we play. All work and so on, you know the sayings. We must guard against the threat of becoming boring."

Cindy's look at Alex turned more maternal, "Given your track record, I think that a bit of boring would be just fine, thank you very much. They don't let me have the run of the ship these days and I haven't access to Sickbay to put you back together like I once did. I still think that a nice teaching position at the Academy would be far safer than..."

Alex rolled his eyes, but turned his attention back to B'Tor, "See? She does her job well though. Technically, she's only a little bit older than you are. Her assistance has been critical in the development of many of those neural interfaces you were curious about. Her field testing the components under real conditions is one of my biggest tests that my research undergoes before integration with organic trials."

Cindy teased him in return, "Alex, you know you should never discuss a lady's age." Then turned to B'tor and said, "He's a fellow Raktjino addict, so you can likely bend his ear easily with that tempting offer."

Alex looked around and wondered out loud, "I don't know if there is going to be an official dining experience or if we're all just suppose to graze randomly through the celebrations. I never know what I'm supposed to be doing at these functions."

== Tags...leaving this one wide open...I'm tossing the ball in the air to see who grabs it and runs with it... ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Alexander Talion - 06-04-2024, 06:24 AM

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