Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid.==

B’Tor was surprised when Talion mentioned having a daughter, “Commander, with all due respect aren’t you a little too young to have a child?” She said, sounding surprised. “I’m sure you love that she keeps you on your toes.” Added B’Tor.

B’Tor was fascinated by the Hologram Cindy. She was clearly not your average hologram Cindy then said, "I really love those colors on you. It gives off a sort of warrior princess aura that goes well with this theme. All you need is a weapon and a shield to complete the fashionable Shield Maiden look and they will begin writing epic sagas about you. Such sagas always sound better in Klingon though."

“Yes well, I had great difficulty in deciding what to wear, I had to research Medieval Terran HIstory. I had no idea Terrans were Klingon at one time, it’s truly fascinating.

Cindy then looked at Commander Talion and turned more maternal, "Given your track record, I think that a bit of boredom would be just fine, thank you very much. They don't let me have the run of the ship these days and I haven't access to Sickbay to put you back together like I once did. I still think that a nice teaching position at the Academy would be far safer than..."

B’Tor was fascinated, Cindy seemed to be programmed with many skills and abilities; she was truly impressive. “So Cindy, do you often tend to the Commander's injuries? “ Said B’Tor.

B”Tor noticed the Commander rolling his eyes as if to say “Oh Please.” B’Tor was amused by this. The two clearly had an incredible relationship. "See? She does her job well though. Technically, she's only a little bit older than you are. Her assistance has been critical in the development of many of those neural interfaces you were curious about. Her field testing the components under real conditions is one of my biggest tests that my research undergoes before integration with organic trials."

B’Tor looked at Cindy. She was taken aback by the fact that Commander Talion would use CIndy as a test subject, running the risk of losing her.

B’Tor couldn’t help but laugh when Cindy teased him in return, "Alex, you know you should never discuss a lady's age." Then turned to B'tor and said, "He's a fellow Raktjino addict, so you can likely bend his ear easily with that tempting offer."

“Yes, Commander a Lady’s age is nothing to joke about.” Said B’Tor. “Oh and Commander, you know that in some cultures rolling one’s eyes is considered impolite, but thank you for the comparison.” Replied the young Klingon. “Cindy, there is nothing wrong with Raktajino. Some of the most profound Scientific discoveries have been made by Scientists fueled by Raktajino.”

Alex looked around and wondered out loud, "I don't know if there is going to be an official dining experience or if we're all just supposed to graze randomly through the celebrations. I never know what I'm supposed to be doing at these functions."
B’Tor smiled “Isn’t it a Terran custom that during a Birthday Party they serve cake and ice cream?”

B’Tor had only been to a few Human Birthday parties in her life and each one was different, but they all culminated in cake and ice cream being served.

“Commander , forgive me my ignorance, but what does one eat at a Terran males fortieth
Birthday festivities. I know at a Klingon’s Birthday a roast Targ is usually served, with fresh Gagh, or Heart of Targ, with Blood Wine, in some cases they serve Rokeg Blood Pie.” Said B’Tor, her tone inquisitive.

== Tag Commander Talion. ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Jez Mala - 06-05-2024, 05:02 AM

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