Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
To the comment on his own age, he chuckled, "I will grant that these days, a man in his mid thirties is not considered old, but if anything will make you feel old, it is chasing after your growing child. Fortunately, she doesn't require a great deal of chasing, but watching her soar through early milestones certainly makes it feel like time is speeding past you. Most of my life I would have never seriously imagined being a parent, and certainly not a single father."

At the topic of the meal choices, Alex responded honestly enough, "It is impossible to say what the feast will be, as it is often customized to the individual and whatever their favorite meals might include. I will admit that most Klingon food is not quite my style, but I do enjoy a juicy cut of wel marbled beef, cooked to a medium rare state. Many people consider my protien choices to be barbaric, but I try to make clear that in the interest of avoiding the standard complaints about such livestock, I went to great lengths to take the finest cuts of such meats and scan them in at extremely high resolution, so that I could replicate them for all time and prepare them in endless variety without future need for the raising of such for a very long time. This tends to calm most objections, but I try to respect the choices of those who frown on my methods. After all, I feel science is intended to help make life better for all. That doesn't have to mean that we give up everything, we just need to find more acceptable ways of achieving such goals."

Cindy addressed the medical issues very briefly, "He was never really a rough and tumble boy, but I did have to patch him up a few times from some surfing injuries. He insisted on going to real locations instead of a holodeck that had safety protocols. He still has a few scars from a couple of those accidents. He let me attend to almost all of them over time, so the scars are barely anything anymore. There's only one scar he won't let anyone fix." She gave a look to indicate the single thin scar at his left temple.

Alex suddenly became a bit more serious, "Let's talk about something more entertaining. This is a birthday party, after all."

Cindy looked at B'Tor as if to say, "See, I told you."

== Tag Malla and NPC ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Alexander Talion - 06-05-2024, 07:10 AM

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