Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
T'Kol was actually pleased to be able to be apart of the Captains birthday celebration. She had grown to respect the man and dare say enjoyed serving with him. She was honored to still be serving with him.

She did find it amusing that though she looked as though she just recently may have turned 20 or early twenties, she was actually older than the Captain by 15 years.

She was also a little more comfortable with the idea of getting a gift for the Captain than most Vulcans. She had served with Captains, Admirals and Diplomats. Finding perfect gifts for others was a part of her job back then. Most often she did not even know the person she was tasked finding the perfect gift for.

But for the Captain she had spent several weeks before making the perfect gift. One that as they found out that they were transferring to the new ship made even more sense.

She now had that gift wrapped tastefully in black sparkle paper with a silver bow wrapped about it. She did still find the ceremony of wrapping the gift as Terrans most often did, rather pointless and most illogical. However, it was something she had grown used to.

She had also dressed a little different than her normal more practical uniform, which she was nearly always in.
However, as tonight was supposed be a big event she decided to step out of her comfort zone.

She donned a long, tight form fitting, black dress that was off the shoulder, and a peekaboo slit up the side showing her right leg all the way up to her thigh. She had found out that the party was themed of an old Earth World about some fabled story. So she had tried to make her dress be somewhat reminiscent of the era.

When the young version of the Captain first greeted her she was surprised by it for a moment but took the offered hand and ride to the castle.

She took in the full scale of the program and its details. The first officer certainly had a flair for these events way more than any of her own parties she had to organize. She was impressed by the Commanders work. Always surprised that she was never called to help do any part of it.

She carried the rather large box into the room looking about taking in the setting she could see a few people dancing and the Captain at the far side of the room. She took a deep breath as she attempted to straighten her dress while juggling the large box.

She made her across the room to the Captain. Looking around she did not see any gift tables. It looked as though the gifts were being given directly to the Birthday Boy, as it were.

 She confidentially strode up to the Captain's table. She nodded a greeting to all sitting and after a moment and gaining the Captains attention she spoke.

"Excuse me sir, I believe they say it is customary to express congratulations on your aging. Happy Birthday. I have to add it has been a ... pleasure serving with you for the last few years and I felt this would be most appropriate for your new posting." She said and sat the large box on the table and slid it over.

Once the Captain would open the wrapped box that was full of extra packing material would find a large replica of a star ship. However, this was not just any star ship it was quickly and easily identified with registry and name of the USS Charon.

As he opened it and got past all the extra packing to reveal the gift itself, T'Kol spoke again. "As I understand it every Captain has a fondness of their first ship they became Captain of." She gave

As he turned the ship and inspected it, it came to life and lit up. "The ship has also a voice activated small replicator." She said then leaned in "Charon, one rum and coke on ice." She said and with that the deflector dish lit up and a sparkly image of highball glass of a dark liquid with a couple of round cubes of ice appeared and became solid before him.

"You can program it to only respond to your voice." She added

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by T'Kol - 06-06-2024, 03:37 AM

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