Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
"A drink sounds great, I have a couple bottles of bourbon coming to our table." said the FO.

There were more alcoholic drinks coming as well, she made sure to have a little something for everyone. Now putting her arm in his. "Lead the way, we have a night ahead of you." She had a devilish grin as they went for a drink.

Daniel downed the first glass of bourbon before saying, "Thank you Beno. This is perfect."

Brooks happened to glance up to see T'Kol walking up with a large gift,

She confidentially strode up to the Captain's table. She nodded a greeting to all sitting and after a moment and gaining the Captains attention she spoke.

"Excuse me sir, I believe they say it is customary to express congratulations on your aging. Happy Birthday. I have to add it has been a ... pleasure serving with you for the last few years and I felt this would be most appropriate for your new posting." She said and sat the large box on the table and slid it over.

Once the Captain would open the wrapped box that was full of extra packing material would find a large replica of a star ship. However, this was not just any star ship it was quickly and easily identified with registry and name of the USS Charon.

As he opened it and got past all the extra packing to reveal the gift itself, T'Kol spoke again. "As I understand it every Captain has a fondness of their first ship they became Captain of." She gave

As he turned the ship and inspected it, it came to life and lit up. "The ship has also a voice activated small replicator." She said then leaned in "Charon, one rum and coke on ice." She said and with that the deflector dish lit up and a sparkly image of highball glass of a dark liquid with a couple of round cubes of ice appeared and became solid before him.

"You can program it to only respond to your voice." She added

Daniel looked at T'Kol and stood up, walked around the table and gave the petite Vulcan a hug,

"Wow, it is perfect. I will place her in my Ready Room." Brooks said with a big smile.

Dan decided he would need to say something to the crew collectively before they would head on into the evening.

"Can I have a little quiet please."

The room full of conversations went to silence.

"Before everyone gets so... inebriated shall we say. I wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming. The gifts are amazing and this...." he said pointing to the model of the ship T'Kol gave him,

"will be pride of place in the ready room." Brooks looked briefly at the Vulcan before looking back at the crew.

"I know you won't want a long and boring speech from me so I will try to keep this short. We may not been together for a long time, but I have a... gut feeling... that this crew will merge together and become one of the most impressive crews in the fleet. A Captain is only as good as the officers under him. When Command gives us a mission I know the Aquila will be ready to answer the call. I am sure each and everyone of you will make me proud to be your Captain."

Knowing that this was going to be the only time he would have most of the crew in one room,

"Enjoy the evening as I know I will.... even if you have seen me over my career as you walked in.... it does make me feel very old right now."

He turned and gave Beno a wink before turning back to the crew,

"Carry on everyone." Captain Brooks said.

==Tag Velaul, T'Kol and anyone else==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Daniel Brooks - 06-06-2024, 08:07 PM

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