AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters
The ride in the Turbolift had been rather quick, though Damian had made sure to tell her that he had decorated his place as best as he could though with the location of his Quarters on the ship they had oddly shaped walls and thus his options were limited. Ju wasn’t sure if he was nervous or if it was something that really bothered him but it couldn’t be worse than her currently spartan accommodations of her own Quarters. Right now though, she was just excited to be with Damian and working on their very first date. As the lift doors opened she followed him to the premiums suites where only the Command staff were allowed to live.

One day, this’ll be me… she thought to herself as the door slid open quickly and the pair stepped inside. It was a massive space, compared to hers, and even though the walls were shaped like the ship it wasn’t as bad as she had envisioned. With the right furniture and décor he could utilize the space even better. But then, she was an Engineer who saw very well how things could fit together and become more streamlined and useful he may not have those gifts. I think he forgot what it was like in junior quarters…

The place was immaculately clean, she doubted that outside of today hers would ever look like this. She was usually half way into a though process and plotting it out when sleep hit her like a brick or.. sometimes it was time to go to shift. Then when she got back a different idea struck her and she was off on a different path, she had a horrible habit of leaving paper, notes, scribbles, and partial projects here and there. After realizing that she could probably never take him to her place her eyes landed on a large framed belt on the wall straight across from the entrance. It was likely something which he was vastly proud of and rightly so.

The door slid closed behind them and Ju’s eyes shifted around the place. To the left was a work out area, she didn’t look too close at it but it definitely looked as though he used it frequently. She supposed that it was something he used so that he didn’t have to be accosted and probably challenged in the general gym the ship used. She had a feeling that he probably had to fight and spar with a lot of the officers here they seemed to have a lot of fire in them. Damian said something in another language, but she remembered enough of people around the Academy to remember that casa meant house. She kind of wanted to spout of some Korean at him but she felt that would go way over his head at this point, at some point she would have to start to teach him some basics. Ju slipped out of her shoes as per her own cultural standards, it would be something so engrained in her she could not even imagine leaving her shoes on without feeling like her Halmoni was going to come behind her with the long thin bamboo rod she used to slap their legs with when she was angry at them.

He headed off towards a door way off to the side, which seemed to be the restroom shower area. Ju was left to her own devices while he did.. whatever it was he was doing. As he walked he told her that he had booze behind the bar and she could help herself but to steer clear of the Engineer’s special. Immediately, that made her want to try it, but perhaps not on their first .. date? Was it their first date? She wasn’t sure if hanging out while her friend sobered up in Medbay was considered a first date. Was Christmas a first date? She had no idea where they stood so date was used in a very loose way at the moment.

Eun Ju slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans and walked over towards the bar at a slow pace still taking in the place. The standard furniture was there, though even more so because it was a large Command Quarters. A desk caught her eye before she could make it to the bar and she altered her course to head over to the desk to look at what was sitting on top of it. He wouldn’t have said she could do whatever if he hadn’t meant it, surely. On the desk was a framed picture in the lid of a box which was carved beautifully. Where the clasp to the box was it was much more worn down. Her slender fingers picked up the box without thinking about it much and looked at the picture of Damian and what seemed to be family members. They all looked really happy, she smiled softly, thinking about how she had two brothers and it seemed he possibly had two sisters, but it was hard to really tell she wasn’t good at guessing relationships merely from pictures.

Putting the box back down where she found it her eyes shifted upwards and she leaned forward to see the medal he had earned through his service to Starfleet. A smile crossed her face reading through the certificate next to it highlighting his contributions. He mentioned that he had some Igang-ju, and her brow rose. Her eyes shifted away from the medal to see Damian leaving the bathroom, and her eyes followed his every step as his still damp torso headed shamelessly across the Quarters for the sleeping area likely to find the rest of his clothing…. It’d be okay if he was out of shirts though…

The door to his main room closed causing her to blink and kind of recenter herself. Okay.. quit staring at Damian and his commanding mu- ....Bichoso, Eunju-a. Ju chastised herself and put her face in her hands for a moment trying to recenter herself because this was treading on dangerous territory for the moment. She was absolutely nuts for being here, what was she doing here anyway? He was way higher rank than her, could probably pull any of the ladies from on and off the ship that he wanted to, she had some kind of gross misconception that she was the one he would prefer to spend his time with? The guy who had belts and metals..

Booze, booze sounds great. Eun Ju remembered the booze he had mentioned and he even had Korean booze which made it even better for her taste buds. She turned and headed to the bar and began to look for the familiar bottle finding the Igang-ju she pulled it out and found two glasses on the bar top where she was able to pour herself a drink which she tossed back very quickly. The burn helped her brain remember what she was here for a hiss escaping her throat per cultural standards before she poured Damian and herself a glass each.

The door behind her opened and Damian came out in casual clothing which made him that much hotter. He looked even better relaxed than he did when he was dressed in his Command tunic. Honestly, she thought he could possibly only look hotter if he was dressed in his dress whites… she had a thing for fine uniforms. Her throat had dried right up watching him cross the room without a single thought to his impact on the crowd. Damian asked her what she wanted to eat mentioning something about ribs… he has good ribs… no.. no concentrate Ju. Eun Ju put a smile on her face as she handed in the Igang-Ju in a glass before she answered his question.

“I’m not sure I’m confident enough to eat messy ribs in front of you just yet,” she chuckled. “How about a stirfry or .. I’m pretty simple, hamburger and French fries are fine too.”

“But first,” she said as she raised her glass and tapped his with hers, “Geonbae!” she cheered then knocked back the glass quickly before putting the empty one back on the bar knowing she might have to pace herself. Food would help, she didn’t get drunk easily but she also wasn’t sure what their plans were for tonight outside of dinner and she did not want to make a fool of herself or make a huge mistake.

“Your first Korean word, geonbae, it’s like… it’s like cheers in Standard.”

Messages In This Thread
AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Tyra Crawford - 08-12-2023, 10:00 PM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Tyra Crawford - 08-19-2023, 12:36 PM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Tyra Crawford - 05-29-2024, 02:35 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Damien Coleman - 06-07-2024, 02:13 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Eun Ju Han - 06-07-2024, 10:22 PM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Damien Coleman - 06-12-2024, 12:26 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Eun Ju Han - 06-14-2024, 01:52 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Tyra Crawford - 06-14-2024, 12:04 PM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Tyra Crawford - 06-17-2024, 03:19 PM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Damien Coleman - 06-19-2024, 02:55 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Eun Ju Han - 06-20-2024, 02:31 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Damien Coleman - 06-30-2024, 01:25 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Eun Ju Han - 07-08-2024, 01:00 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Damien Coleman - 07-22-2024, 03:16 AM
RE: AT/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Eun Ju Han - 08-03-2024, 03:02 AM

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