Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
There was something that Beno was working on that she hadn't finished yet, and it has been sitting on a shelf for a while. It would also be a great way to get a fresh set of eyes to get a fresh set of eyes, it could also help her writers block. This one was a big one, and nothing she tried helped.

"I would be delighted to give you access to one I am still working on, and other ones I have completed. They are a bit of a mind bender, and inspires the imagination."

Julia had a great gift that requirecd great appreciation, anything that old should be savored. This isn't your typical drink for every day, it also requires company. "Julia a gift of this calabur requires that you join us for some, it will add honor to the occasion. We would also be blessed if you did, and I can not think of a better time than this." 

At this second Beno stopped and faced Daniel, there were movements that she heard about. "Sometimes the greatest times are started with a twist, the greatest ones of all are the ones no one sees coming." Beno raised an eyebrow like a Vulcan would. Julia would be able to detect more joy than Beno was showing, Beno still hadn't worked out the details but it was going to be good.

She was really happy to see everyone having a good time, and hopefully leaving most formalities at the door. All she wanted was for everyone to have a good time, on equal flooring. Turning her attention to Jez. "I do hope to read some of your writings too." Beno did enjoy a powerful imagination, it was a sign of a solid mind.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Carley was really enjoying herself with Cologero,  and could use a good drink. She also enjoyed Tequila, and knew the best way of drinking it. "Or there is a more personable way, and it ends with a kiss." Carley had a playful side that was coming out more and more, she was also attempting to be more outgoing. The first time out almost ended in disaster, but fortunately it didn't.

==Tag everyone ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Beno Velaul - 06-12-2024, 09:47 PM

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