Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Eventually, as the party progressed, Talion did relax enough to indulge in some drinking. Wanting to keep things fun and social, he refused to do tequila shots, but did give in to drinking tequila sunrises as his flavor of the night.

Under the mild influence of the drinks, he tended to smile more and talk less. His sense of humor came out a bit more as well, but in subtle ways. To the casual observer, you wouldn't expect him to be a scientist at all. The impression he gave was more that of a wealthy businessman who enjoyed living a life of relative luxury.

In contrast, Cindy enjoyed people watching. So many new faces and so much new data to collect. This was definitely a target rich environment.

== Tags to all. This is a rare moment. Alex is drinking. If there's a question or two that might be asked, this would be the rare chance to ask it and get a real answer that you might not get if he were sober. ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Alexander Talion - 06-20-2024, 09:14 PM

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