Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Jez had to smile, Commander Velaul was so down-to-earth and friendly. Of course, B’Tor was ever a Scientist. B’Tor pondered what the Commander had said, "It's perfectly fine to ask and wonder, however, the answers to the questions are ones I can't answer. That information is closely guarded, just like a certain Klingon medical condition that isn't shared with outsiders. There was also the great Tribble hunt no one sings about, and why all Tribbles hate Klingons. The Symbiont Commission had strict rules to live by, it also included what information can be given to whom. Still, there was no reason to get into a twist.” Said Commander Velaul.

B’Tor being born in a Federation colony had no idea what the Commander was talking about, it must be an Imperial Klingon covert doctrine thing. B’Tor’s mother often spoke to anyone curious about Klingons and Klingon traditions.

"B'Tor I don't blame you for the question and drink to your great house. There is however one small problem." Her voice was joking and strict at the same time. "While in this room all rank from Captain to Private is suspended, mentioning the above is punishable by the drink." The drink that she referred to was the hand grenade. It was like a two-ounce Jager Bomb and twice the fun.

"Are you willing to be served your punishment?" Her voice was only playful and was casual about her response. Chances were great that she would take the drink because no one knows how to unwind more than a Klingon, it was equally as hard to out-drink one as battle one.

“I beg your pardon, Commander, but I’m fresh out of the Academy, so respecting one's rank is still firmly entrenched in me. I mean no disrespect.” B’Tor’s tone wass humble and respectful. “Commander while I would be honored that you would want to toast my “Great House '' the truth is I’m a Klingon Vulcan Hybrid, my mothers’s house isn’t of the Imperial Nobility, they are merchants, artists, and farmers. My mother teaches Organic Chemistry back on Gamma Sigma V and my father, a Vulcan, is a Professor of Quantum Mechanics at the University and serves on the Colony’s Ruling Council, but I’m sure they would be honored by your kindness. “ Said B’Tor. “As I’m only half Klingon, Tribbles only hate me half as much.” Said B’Tor with a joking smile.

“B’Tor’s face twisted, as if she was debating whether or not to reveal something. She leaned in close to Velaul and whispered “I would be honored to share an Alcoholic beverage, to commemorate this new friendship, but I suffer from qorDu'lIj , a Kidney Disease, and my doctor recommends I avoid alcohol. I hope I haven’t offended you if I say I would enjoy a nice ghom'a' (Blood Lemonade) ?” Said, B’Tor her voice sounding timid and uncertain.

== Tag Commander Velaul.==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Jez Mala - 06-23-2024, 05:50 AM

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