Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Jez was surprised at B’Tor’s open and frank discussion of her medical issues; it wasn’t that she was eavesdropping, but given her proximity and her Vulcan hearing she could not help but overhear. But like B’Tor Jez had also never tasted alcohol, but she could understand why some people enjoy it.

Commander Velaul then said something that Jez found interesting and something she understood, "Also I have studied lots of cultures in my lifetimes and they all have a lot in common. Not all families of Nobility started that way, they were able to reach out and take it."

“Yes, B’Tor that’s correct these power-hungry families often took power and after a few generations they claimed it was by divine right that they ruled. The Terran Medieval period is fascinating, powerful, and intrigue. Factions buying for the King's favor. Murder, adultery, children from extramarital affairs, battles of succession. It’s a wonder how the Terrans ever survived is truly a mystery. “Said Jez, her voice filled with fascination and wonder. “Commander. Have you ever been to the castles of The United Kingdom? I ask because you have recreated this holographic setting perfectly.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor looked around, processing how much this period in Human History resembled Klingon culture. It was truly eerie, the idea that Humans and Klingons shared so many cultural similarities.

B’Tor looked over at the Captain, “Is the Captain a descendant of these people? This is his culture?” Said B’Tor her eyes wide.

B’Tor had never ventured beyond the Academy Walls, as she didn’t have any friends to speak of, so no one ever invited her to go any place on Earth. Oh yes, she had visited San Francisco, but that was about it. She had wanted to visit different places, but she hated going to places by herself as it didn’t allow her to share the beauty and wonder of the experience.

B’Tor’s face lit up as a brilliant idea popped into her head…..“Commander, opps. Beno. Jez, maybe the next time we’re on Earth we could tour those Castles together? “ Said B'Tor.

== Tag Commander Velaul.==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Jez Mala - 06-25-2024, 06:59 AM

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