DS9/D0 - Docking Ring
Cass knew there were people that loved Deep Space Nine, they loved Quarks and the more rugged atmosphere that the station had maintained after coming under Starfleet control but Cass was not one of those people. In fact, she'd say she hated DS9, though she supposed it was nothing against the station itself. Her luck on the station couldn't have been worse, if she was honest.

That was probably why she was in such a bad mood upon arrival, coupled with the long to-do list she'd already been given. Oh, Bill had told her it would be a three week trip max, less if she could get the to-do list taken care of and handle the Artemis fiasco effectively. However, she knew better than to believe that timeline; the last time Bill had given her an assignment that seemed to have some sort of ulterior motive behind it, she'd spent six months as the acting commanding officer of the USS Phoenix. And he'd told her the assignment would take her 10 days, max.

By that calculation, this will take 378 days to wrap this mess up and get Artemis operational, she thought dryly.

Of course, if Artemis was that big of a mess...

Her steps faltered, the weight of the bag on her shoulder almost throwing her off as she considered that she might have misread Bill's motives on this. She thought Bill's interest in Artemis and Captain Crawford had to do with the potential for such rash and renegade decision making to have become deeply rooted in the culture of the vessel, making this more than a matter of just replacing a CO to stop the spread. However, he had spent the last six months trying to convince her that it was time for her to rejoin the active command rotation, take another command of her own with hopefully markedly better results considering her additional training and experience with the committee.

This is a bait and switch...

She closed her eyes for a moment, her teeth gritting at the possibility. He was likely correct that she was ready to return to the center seat -- she'd grown exponentially from her failed first command -- but she didn't like him resorting to tricks to prove himself correct. Plus, Artemis was too high profile of a vessel for her return but it was just the kind of statement Bill would want to make. A true test that under his mentorship a very young command officer had been molded into the model captain, though she suspected he overestimated how much of her rebellious streak he'd managed to train out of her.

She shook her head. It didn't really matter; if that was Bill's plan, her steps were the same regardless and there was no real course of action she could take to change the destination.

She pushed a strand of dark blonde hair behind her ear as she tucked her head to look at her PADD. The base commander had set her up with quarters on the station for the time being and her first stop was his office to smooth over any ripples from the Yeager debacle. Her next stop, after dropping bags, was a little bit of an eyebrow raiser but apparently, the Quartermaster for Artemis was the pulse of the ship so Cass felt that might be a good place to start. And then, she needed to track down Commander Coleman, the Artemis' First Officer.

Personally, she thought meeting with the Commander before Lieutenant Commander Morgan made more sense but apparently, Bill disagreed. And truthfully, he was usually right. Admiral Anderson had a knack for knowing where to find information and an even better knack for knowing how to use it.

After all of that, she needed to wrangle a Lieutenant Commander Rabb, representative for the whistle blower on the Artemis fiasco. Not only did she anticipate Rabb could give her the official defense statement for Lieutenant Commander Elias but probably the more optimistic outlook on his future, aka whether a new Chief Engineer needed to be recruited for Artemis. Once she'd met with Rabb, she'd meet with the prosecutor to determine the other side's estimate and then cut the distance for an accurate estimate.

And then, she'd probably be ready for a glass or two, though not at Quark's. Dpending on how those conversations went, it might be a bottle or two in actuality.

Did I even pack a bottle? she wondered, looking at the duffel on her shoulder.

== TBC ==

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DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Jennifer Braggins - 08-07-2023, 12:14 AM
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RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Ktan Shadowhunt - 04-11-2024, 09:03 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 06-13-2024, 12:06 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 06-20-2024, 07:42 PM
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RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 06-28-2024, 07:45 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 06-29-2024, 10:02 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 07-04-2024, 02:48 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 07-04-2024, 07:13 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 07-09-2024, 02:12 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Tyra Crawford - 08-11-2024, 12:31 AM

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