Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
Jez had to disagree with Commander Belaul, the nest Castles, or as some people call them palaces weren’t necessarily in Scotland, and England, France Germany, and Japan all had  Castles with rich histories, but Jez wasn’t up for a debate at this time. Jez did love Castles though, the romance, the Chivalry. Knights on Horseback is such a romantic and complex time.

Suddenly the lights dimmed slightly, then a translucent woman appeared next to the sword, her dress was exquisitely detailed as it was elegant. Golden embroidery on light silk. Her hair was free flowing with a braid that was on level with her eyebrows framing her face adding an air of mystery to her. As people started to notice her there, they noticed that she was hovering three inches or so above the floor. Jez immediately thought of the Arthurian Legend, King Arthur, Guinevere, and of course The Lady of The Lake and Excalibur.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Her voice was heavy with the old English accent,  with more than a hint of mystic tone. "We are here to celebrate Daniel Brooks, a man who would be Captain. His noble quest started with his feet on the ground and his head in the stars, with family roots on the farm but his never could." Stated the Lady, her voice echoed."Forging his path Daniel started to discover his own destiny, one of service and leadership ship doctor who saved many lives in his career, both in and out of Sickbay. His abilities simply could not be contained as his leadership started to soar, from Midshipman to Captain there wasn't anything or anyone who could keep him down. There were many obstacles that were in his way, but none of them kept him down." Declared the Woman, putting her hands in front of her with her palms up, a crown appeared inches above. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." The Crown floated to the top of his head before setting down. "Good leaders wear the crown well, Legendary leaders like Daniel wear it with grace. You bring Honor to your father and great house."

Jez immediately thought of a quote from an ancient movie, “The king without a sword," Lancelot exclaims. "The land without a king!”

Jez playfully leaned forward and whispered in Commander Velaul’s ear, “Isn’t King Arthur supposed to have a Sword as well as a crown?”  Joked Jez.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor looked at the cake, she knew that among Terrans a candle marked a year for each year of a Terrans birth, she counted a total of seventy-eight candles. She looked at Captain Brooks. 

He looks amazing for a man seventy-eight years old.

B’Tor was fascinated by the appearance of the translucent Lady, she seemed like a spirit
She watched as the lady crowned the Captain, he looked so noble, so regal.

“Congratulations Captain, you look very regal.” Said B’Tor.

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Jez Mala - 06-26-2024, 06:41 AM

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