Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
When everyone is singing happy birthday to Captain Brooks, Julia joined in the song. Troy has been quiet the whole time since the ensign kept being rude and interrupting every time she tried to have a conversation with the commander. After the singing was done she went to being quiet again without anyone noticing.

Troy had sat at the table with the commander and the captain and she had gotten her drink while the rest of the time she'd be drinking water. Julia had her padd that she has been writing her stories and novels on with her that Surik passed to her. Both Spike and Dot were under the table at their feets to be out of the way.

Julia knew that being quiet and writing stories and novels on her padd while observing what is going on at the table. Troy could tell that she wasn't seen by the ensign. She starting to feel a little left out of the conversation that was being held around her.

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by Julia Troy - 06-27-2024, 05:18 PM

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