The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Amelina looked up at Miles as he responded to her question of where they should start first, realising the simplicity of such a suggestion considering their location and the many options that were available to them. Although the brunette did grin as her boyfriend winked at her, before coming up with a solution that would work just fine, and allow the pair to see everything and not just their intended destinations. " That works for me Babe, and hmmm follow me".

If they were to start at whatever was closest to them, then Lina knew exactly what that would be, while affording them the chance to take in the architecture that still remained in the city. Stunning to the point that it immediately captivated the senses, Lina led them towards Jorvik, the museum dedicated to the origins of the city and it's viking roots. Naturally, it had changed over the years to accommodate new technologies, but at the heart of it, some of the ruins of the original city still remained.

" Here we are, Jorvik Viking Centre, which is mainly interactive but you still get to see the origins of the city".

Stepping inside, it was evident to see that Lina had been right and offered the pair the chance to look around at the exhibits as well as take the pod tour of how they had recreated the city as it looked back in Viking times.

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 08-28-2023, 11:13 AM

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