AQ/D02 - CO & FO Quarters
Daniel was in the middle of reading up on his PADD when his commbadge chirped into life with the Chief of the Boats voice,

[Chief T'Kol to Captain Brooks. The transport with Lieutenant Commander Ch'Alev has rendezvoused with us. I am currently on my way to greet him in the Transporter room One.] She reported.

Captain Brooks tapped his commbadge and r replied, "Thank you T'Kol, keep me posted. I will meet our new officer in due course. Brooks out."

Dan had seen Commander ch'Alev on a couple of social occasions when they had been on a Starbase but not to actually talk to. He knew that Beno had served with the officer and hoped that she hadn't been made aware of the situation as it would be a nice surprise for her.

In their downtime, when he and Beno had the odd social encounter off duty she would talk fondly of the crew of her previous assignment. It only seemed that the temporary CTO would be the ch'Alev.

He leaned back and finished reading the PADD, it was a report from the previous CO with all the current system status and any issues they encountered when in charge of the Aquila. Dan got up from his seat and replicated himself a cup of peppermint tea. He went over to the desk and placed the cup on it as he took a seat behind the desk. He updated his roster to making a meeting with ch'Alev to report in. Which would be the next day when they all took on their official duties.

He knew that Commander Kurasa was on duty for the Bridge but had been called away on another issue but as the roster wasn't fully in action yet.

Messages In This Thread
AQ/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Paul - 03-02-2024, 02:34 AM
RE: AQ/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Daniel Brooks - 05-08-2024, 10:06 AM
RE: AQ/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by T'Kol - 06-28-2024, 01:51 AM
RE: AQ/D02 - CO & FO Quarters - by Daniel Brooks - 06-29-2024, 05:54 PM

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