Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party
“you don’t think your brother can throw a good party?” Asked Jez with a grin. T'Kol looked into Mala's eyes for a moment
She was not used to anyone knowing the familiarity of her and Sothrick less alone had she ever heard anyone else tie them together as siblings. As she processed the thought she, with her still static features returned her query.

"No, I do not. While we were both aboard the Sheridan he offered my services to arrange, 'parties', for the officers promotions and such." She answered.

"As a Vulcan he did try to stay away from such, opportunities. However, because of previous career it fell on me to create several, social engagements." She said then looked around.

"Although I have to admit mine fell considerably short in comparison." She gestured to the surroundings.

The pair continue to walk about the simulation while T'Kol continued to sip her sweet but dry drink. The continued until the came across what would best be described as some sort of guard shack. “Chief, I’m curious about a few things and I’m hoping you might be able to shed some light on them.” Suggested Jez.

T'Kol nodded an affirmation to continue. She was curious why her 'brother' had wanted the Chief to watch over her and help her training but a small part of her had to admit that she so far was...'enjoying' for a lack of better term the womans company.

Her position had her mostly in limbo. She unlike any other enlisted had bridge duties, she was the highest ranking of all the enlisted but she was not quite a true officer. She found herself in a limbo. She was often shunned, on a social level by the officers since she was not really one of their peers and shunned by the crewmen as she was seen as more of a superior.

She usually, enjoyed, the solitude but she found the more time she spent with humans and other social races that she could not help to -feel- as though she was missing something. Sothrick had told her that she needed to be a little more apt to making a more meaningful connection. The only other connection she had was with the Captain. They had a respectable working relationship as they had been working together for a while now and she had a deep respect for the man.

So far the young Ensign was at least a bit of a distraction from her regular obligations.

“Chief, how old is your brother exactly? He seems very aloof and evades the question when I ask him about it. Also, why is he afraid of spiders, isn’t fear an emotional response, and with him being a Vulcan or embracing his Vulcan side isn’t that illogical? Not to mention his propensity for practical jokes.” Said Jez.

The full Vulcan regard the woman for a moment with one raised brow and an inquisitive look of her own.

"It would seem the my, brother, made a rather big impact on you. As I understood you only served under him a short while." She stated.

"I would think you would want to know more of your new Captain. At any rate. Sothrick is 68 and I am 65 if you would like to know." (even though she looked to be in her late 20's at best) She answered with a sip from her glass again

"He prefers for those not in his inner circle to believe that he is full Vulcan. He even had his father adjust his file so that any one lower than a Captain or Chief Medical Officer would only see Vulcan. He even hides his full name." She gave then realized he may not want this young woman to know so much. She gave a look to her glass as though it had insulted her for a moment then lowered it to her side.

"As for his irrational fear of spiders, I was not aware? Did he tell you that? I am not sure why he would be, afraid. However, I do know that I believe it was his first mission as a Starfleet officer and out of the Marines that they encountered a planet of what was first thought as hostile spider like aliens. I do not remember the details exactly but it could be a source I guess. I believe he was injured and a fellow crewmen perished." She gave

== Tag Jez ==

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RE: Captain Brooks Surprise 40th Birthday Party - by T'Kol - 07-02-2024, 09:20 PM

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