TI/D01 - Ready Room
Knowing that the Captain was correct in most things, it just brought some inner conflict. He had to stop channeling any useful information through Sothrick, and just giving it to her strait. There might be some consequences, but there definitely will be if he didn't. It was creating an external conflict that had no room on the Bridge,  he also didn't recall sending anyone anywhere without asking her first.

It suddenly occurred to him that he definitely said it wrong, he was talking to the Commander then to the Captain. There was no way for anyone to know it happened that way because he didn't say Captain, if he were to hear the conversation he would have came to the same conclusion. Even though most in Star Fleet didn't understand Bajorans, they did provide brilliant leaders. Before he knew it Keti was standing alone, and had no opportunity to say a word.

>>>Bridge >>>>

Messages In This Thread
TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 08-05-2023, 02:59 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 10-09-2023, 08:14 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Shione Kurasa - 10-11-2023, 12:14 AM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 10-14-2023, 09:09 AM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Shione Kurasa - 10-23-2023, 03:17 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 11-13-2023, 09:08 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 06-28-2024, 09:24 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Sothrick - 06-29-2024, 01:34 AM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jukish Keti - 06-29-2024, 08:48 AM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jane Fields - 06-30-2024, 09:15 PM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Sothrick - 07-02-2024, 02:20 AM
RE: TI/D01 - Ready Room - by Jukish Keti - 07-03-2024, 01:18 AM

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