== Trident Training Facility - Mayhill, New Mexico, North America ==

There was a light breeze shifting through the scattered pine trees, offering some reprieve from the warmth of the sun high overhead. The designers of the training facility had done an excellent job of utilizing what they could to create shaded areas and in a high desert, it made all the difference.

Logan and Tyra had spent most of the morning climbing and hiking through Trident's large training facility. There were features and capabilities available that would make even the most impassive security officer's mouth water and there was a bit of a "kid at Christmas" energy bouncing between the two as their tour continued.

While there were the expected holosuites, used to simulate a great number of training exercises, the company had refused to fall into the hole of utilizing them for everything, citing concerns for training scars in a known and protected environment. They'd found ways to simulate shuttle crashes, overthrown governments and the aftermath of natural disasters through their impressive compound. There were firearm ranges and driving courses, simulated villages and cities, and even a Cicero-class escort grounded to prepare contractors and students for close quarters operations.

There were also areas set up as what Logan had called them "Arcades for Big Kids with Guns" that resembled shooting galleries or moving obstacles.

It was impressive to say the least and Tyra had found he

"I hope she's lived up to the hype. We've got a second facility on Luna but this is our pride and joy," Nate explained, his grin holding an easy and evident pride at the fruit of his labor.

"I still need to walk you through the Lodge and HQ building. Oh and the classrooms. If I may say so myself, the Lodge is a sight to behold," his grin was infectious as Tyra felt her lips pulling into a matching grin. "Our visiting instructors live there during courses so you might finding yourself within stumbling distance of three fully stocked bars if you play your cards right."

"Where do I sign up?" Logan joked, nudging her gently with a grin of his own.

"I told you; I'm not opposed to a package deal," Nate answered easily, his sharp eyes shifting to watch Tyra closely. She'd caught that gaze on more than one occasion during their tour as if he was trying to determine how successful he was being.

"I was very serious when I said your role is yours to create. If you want to direct the search and rescue arm and teach some classes, it's yours. If you want to lead a team and coordinate everything on it, it's yours. Hell, I'll take you teaching a class or two a month; I just can't in good conscience let you waste years of experience by just slipping into retirement."

She hummed her understanding with a non-committal shrug. "I know that I've been known for some of my more impulsive and rash decisions, especially during those way back when days, but I don't don't make unilateral decisions in my personal life."

"Take all the time you need, as long as the answer is 'yes'," he said the last with a wink before he motioned them to follow him towards what looked like a valley that ran along the edge of the facility.

"I assume you've heard of the Coliseum?" He asked, his grin having taken on an almost wicked gleam to it.

The exchanged look between Logan and Tyra left little doubt that they knew exactly what the Coliseum was. It had been replicated many times over in holodecks and other training facilities but it was the ultimate test of team movements and tactics. Tyra had run replicas of it with four to six man teams and even then, it was difficult the amount of communication that was needed. However, this was the original.

"When I'm evaluating instructors, we always run them through it. Particularly the Gauntlet section. If you're up to the challenge, we can run you as a two man team. The times are on the board... It's a tight timeline and well, it usually takes people a couple of runs to get there but I'd love to see how you two fare."

Tyra didn't even get a chance to respond before Logan's rare enthusiasm caught up with him. She wasn't sure she'd ever seen his eyes that wide, well maybe one other time but that had been for a very different reason. "Oh Hell yes, we will. Just point me to the gear."

The redhead offered a grin and a shrug. "The man has spoken. Who am I to deny him his chance at glory?"

Nate's grin might have been larger than Logan's as he clapped her on the shoulder and steered her towards the weapons locker. "You won't regret this, I promise."

== TBC ==

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Earth - by Paul - 06-20-2024, 01:33 PM
RE: Earth - by Tyra Crawford - 07-13-2024, 02:58 AM
RE: Earth - by Tyra Crawford - 07-14-2024, 01:32 AM
RE: Earth - by Benjamin Elias - 08-07-2024, 10:44 PM
RE: Earth - by Tyra Crawford - 08-09-2024, 05:25 PM

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