YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations
“Sir. Midshipman Kiernan, reporting as ordered.”

Kal-Geal looked up from where he was digging, and replied,

"At ease Midshipman Kiernan. I apologize for the change of location, but I needed to get these plants in the ground before I wouldn't have any time to do so. I'm Kal-Geal Beinn, Child of San-Tarah. I know my species is quite alien to most in the Federation, and that's because my homeworld of San-Tarah was absorbed into the Klingon Empire a few decades ago. As for why I wanted you to report here, through my Star Fleet and Klingon Academy training, I've learned to rely on plants as well as technology. My species' technological level was on par with Earth's Bronze Age when the Klingons came, so these plants are our backup as they are what the Federation has learned to extract and synthesize their medications from. Naturally, these are only meant to be used in an emergency, if our supplies are ever exhausted."

Kal-Geal got up from where he was, and walked over to Sara. At six foot ten, the Child of San-Tarah was more than a foot over Sara, but despite looking like a werewolf from ancient Earth myths he wasn't threatening. "I understand you're a surgeon, which is good, as I'll need steady hands now that R'Kaar Ragarri, the former Chief Medical Officer, has been reassigned. I think he would have gotten along well with you though, as he was also a musician. But, as you can see, I do have trouble with Federation surgical technology." He showed off his paws, which had three fingers and one thumb, each ending with claws that appeared to be sharp.

==tag Sara==

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YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 12:54 AM
RE: YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations - by Kal-Geal Beinn - 07-16-2024, 06:53 PM

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