The Adventures of Lina and Miles
<< Continued from DS9 Habitat Ring <<

Lina's response was met with the same efficiency as before, specifically Miles checking the schedule and reserving them a holo-suite for an hour. Leaving the couple with plenty of time to finish snuggling before having to get ready for their detective adventure. Miles was then able to share with her what he knew about the programme, particularly what he had heard, and how he trusted the judgment of some of the people who had played it. Lina also understood that not everyone would like this kind of thing, but the very idea of playing detective had taken root within the brunette.

" Exactly, and if you trust those people, then so do I," she remarked, before Miles continued and gave her some insight into what to expect. The concept was intriguing, to say the least, and not like your standard programme, regardless of the setting. However, what excited Lina the most, apart from the chance of solving a mystery with Miles, was that spark that she had come to love whenever he looked forward to something.

" I agree, it does sound like a great concept, and I'm looking forward to it also. I guess all that's left for us to do, is to figure out what to wear for such an adventure".

Lina was always up for dressing up if it was called for, and enjoyed looking the part and fitting in, as it was just as fun as being involved in the programme.

== Tag Miles ==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Amelina Whittaker - 07-18-2024, 07:44 AM

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