YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel
Holding back a snort, barely, Heathridge cocked his head and gave Jensen a look that was mid-way between pity and scorn.

"You can tell me all you like about Miss Braggins' heroics, but tell me, how does a black-ops operative get to where she is without violating Federation law? How many bodies are in closets, scandals swept under rugs, all because she was working for 'the good of the Federation'."

Opening the door from the Bridge that would take the team into the cramped Turbolift to the cargo bay, Heathridge continued.

"People like her, or in positions very similar to hers, conspired to wipe the Krynar out. She was on the team that woke up the Borg Megasphere. Thousands of Starfleet officers were killed by the Borg because her amateurish plan backfired. Haven't you noticed how there's nothing in her personnel record prior to joining the Ticonderoga crew twelve years ago? How she got a "field commission" from her father and nobody at Starfleet Command even raised an eyebrow? Not to mention her recent interactions with the Tholians and the Cardassians."

The shaft opened, revealing a cavernous Cargo Bay; what had once been crew quarters and science labs had been torn out to make room.

"People like her should scare you, Commander. They're a sign that Starfleet is taking a dark turn. If I were you, I'd get out while I still could."

Messages In This Thread
YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-02-2024, 02:40 AM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-08-2024, 01:39 AM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-13-2024, 02:42 AM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-19-2024, 04:11 PM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-22-2024, 05:04 PM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-01 - 07-24-2024, 12:00 AM
RE: YE/E01 - Disreputable Damsel - by GM-Braggins - 07-26-2024, 05:39 PM

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